
Let You Down



05-24-2013, 09:09 PM

Slowly but surely the warrior made his return to the northern pack. Head hung low in a dejected state and tail was limp. His body portrayed failure in every way shape and form, and it was obvious the brute was exhausted. Leaving the pack for that long and searching for the killer of Asheni had been a waste. He'd left his new family behind and had selfishly gone ahead of Gargoyle and any of the others to track him down in the storm. He'd lost a few pounds, and his winter coat had already come in hiding what would be skin and bones. He'd put everything he had to finding the male without killing himself in the process, and all in vain. Nothing had come up and he was forced to return home. He couldn't stay away any longer.

The tug on his heart strings has slowly brought him to Glaciem. The pain of missing his family was too much. He did indeed want to see the two kids he'd barely seen since they were born. And his mate. He only had limited time left with her. He could feel it. He himself would eventually reach an age and he needed to spend all the time he could with them. He would continue the search for his best friends killer another time, when he had a level head.

Over the border he went and anything and everything else was ignored as he headed straight to their den. He was hoping she was in there. If he was lucky she would be there with the kids. Eventually he would arrive and his head peered around the lip of the cave to peer into the den with tired eyes hoping to see her there.

[ooc: Sorry for the shortness. I had muse earlier, and then it disappeared. I just wanted to get this up. I gave you the option of her being there, or she could come back to the den and find him, or totally be in another location and he could eventually find her :3]
