
Roll Away Your Stone



7 Years
11-29-2014, 05:34 PM

The smell of her mother came at her timidly first, and then assaulted her nose with its sweet scent. The dame turned slowly, the breath rushing out of her lungs in one smooth motion. Mother. Her sweet, dearest mother. Cyan eyes greedily roamed across her form, taking in her tattered ear and her appearance that was much the same. Baffled by the sudden showing, she wasn't quite sure what to do. Pip came at her as if she was a ghost, an apparition in her mind. For how long had the poor woman been seeing her children? For how long had the memories haunted her? For Amalia, they were constantly in her mind, visions of her parents and siblings dancing across her vision at every waking moment. And here she was. The girl took her own small steps towards her, heart pounding in her chest. "Mother..." She whispered, voice soft as they met each other. She wrapped her own head around her, eyes squeezing shut as she blocked out the tears. "I'm here, its me. And you, you're here too." She let out a soft breath of relief, the bitter sting of tears tainting her eyes. Her mother would pull away, but she would deny the space that the woman tried to put between them. She pushed herself further still, head wound tight against her mothers pale neck. Red face pressed into her fur, sniffling as the tears she tried so hard to fight back fell. Her nose dug into Epiphron's scruff, her front right foreleg picking up as she wrapped it around her neck. She did not let her go for a long while, silence spreading after a question was directed at her. She would answer it later, right now she just wanted to feel her mother pressed against her, to hear her heart pound with her own.

It had been so long since she had seen her, and she had a fear that if she let go, Pip would melt away once again. But she knew that they needed to talk, so taking in a deep breath she let the older woman go. She did not allow much space between them though, resting her rump on the earth directly in front of the dame. A small smile spread across her lips, eyes damp with the unshod tears. "Its been too long Mother, let's not make a habit of it, kay?" She whispered warmly. Blinking fiercely she remembered the question that had been asked, sucking in a deep breath. "Well I have joined a pack up in the North. It was once called Glacium, then Bevroren, and now Reguim. Athena Armada once ran it, but now her half-sister Roman does." The girl had been gone, and did not know of her mothers dislike for Armada's. She left out the part of her being in love with Athena, she was still unsure of sharing it with the world. She didn't know how Epiphron would react, and would save that for a less beloved reunion. "And yourself? How has everything been for you?" Gazing at her mother's ear, she let out a soft sigh before her eyes roamed down to her own missing tail. "It would seem that we have both left little parts of us behind." Her vocals were teasing, smile growing on her lips.