
I thought you were dead...


05-24-2013, 09:37 PM
ooc: Short post is crappy.

Her ear swiveled towards Oxia when he mentioned a name to accompany him on his search and closed her eyes when he had turned to and nuzzled her. She was happy to have found her brother, after being gone from each other for so long, she could finally have a burden lifted off her shoulders. Unfortunately though there was still some weight there, that weight being Seraphiel. Until they found her she would not be able to fully rest in peace. And even if she wasn't alive, Sperare would feel a little better by at least finding her remains.

Oxia had pulled away from her, blue eyes following him. He spoke up, promising that he would find Seraphiel. Sperare's heart nearly jump up into her throat as a look of relief washed over her features, tail wagging behind her. Her eyes had gone wide, jaw nearly dropping, wanting so bad to tackle her brother to the ground. She held herself though, Oxia was family, so she shouldn't have been so surprised. HE told her that she needed to eat her fill if she wanted to provide for Iniko, causing her to give a nod of her head.

The shewolf pushed herself up onto all four legs, tail swinging behind her as her gaze shifted back and forth from Oxia and Gargoyle. She was very grateful for him letting her in after lashing out like she did, had he not allowed her to join Glaciem, she would not have been reunited with her brother. She would have gone back to her life, struggling to provide for herself and her child.