
white noise. {jupiter}



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-30-2014, 01:21 AM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2014, 01:21 AM by Epiphron.)
The kings and queens had fallen from their thrones and she in turn had distanced herself from the politics of it all -- the former ruler of an empire was now known by few and far between. Time had changed so much, and she was no exception. Sapphire gaze fixated on the familiar woman as she approached, a slight smirk pulling at the corners of her lips. They had met before, though were not well acquainted, but her familiar presence brought an undeniable warmth to her chest. "Jupiter," she would greet her gently, for the night was peaceful and she was unwilling to break the serene atmosphere.

Her memory of the woman was pleasant. She'd been a long-time ally to Seracia and she'd left a reasonable impression on her when she'd met her at the borders of Valhalla. Perhaps her own recollection of the meeting was slightly biased, as she'd been overwhelmed with joy at reuniting with her sister Chrysanthe, but she felt nothing but amiable toward Jupiter. "It has been," Epiphron agreed somberly, nodding. Jupiter seemed more tired than she remembered, but she knew she looked no different. "How things have changed..." Where Jupiter had been, she had no idea, but it seemed as though she had returned to where she had once ruled. "Do you rule here again?" she would inquire curiously, head tilting slightly to the side as her gaze fell from Jupiter to her companion, and then back again.  "I was wondering when I might see a familiar face in these lands..."