
e x t r a t e r r e s t r i a l


05-24-2013, 10:41 PM

The friendly greeting was pretty nice, Lovatt had to admit. He appreciated seeing a friendly face out here. After all, this wolf could have been something than she seemed to be, thankfully enough. But no, she just seemed to be a friendly female wolf who had been investigating this strange structure, just like Lovatt had. This wasn't so bad, he figured. If all of the wolves in the area were this friendly, he would see no issues with bringing his family here. Or at least most of them; Lovatt knew better than to make generalizations like that.

Tail flicking slightly, the brown male inclined his head in the other's direction. "I honestly do not know how this strange thing was created..." Lovatt spoke thoughtfully, tilting his head back as he examined the structure carefully for a long moment before his gaze fell once more to focus on the black female who stood there. "But there are many things scattered across these lands, and not one wolf can tell me where they came from." His old den had been located in a place with strange, foreign structures like these, and he had heard rumors of other such things from Luke and Morgan as they told him about their travels. Where had they come from? He was rather curious now, though before it had been nothing more than an absent thought that drifted through his mind.

Laughing slightly, Lovatt shook his head as the female spoke again, inclining his head in her direction once more. "I am well enough. The name is Lovatt. What's your's?" He inquired lightly, tail twitching in the air behind him. He was still a little on edge, worried that perhaps this wolfess was more than she seemed to be, but Lovatt was relaxing swiftly as they began to converse more fluidly.
