
When all this actual life played out



4 Years
11-30-2014, 04:29 AM
Somehow it worked, Rhythm continued with the conversation easily nothing suspected wrong with the boy. And why would there be, this disappearing and reappearing at random times was perfectly normal for him his family had been forced to grow accustomed to this strange behaviour that the adventurous young male had developed, tearing him away from them at lengths of a time. No it was the next comment that would perhaps be a real clue into the possibility of there being anything that troubled him, this wasn't normal for him.

"Lucky for you I'm heading back there then." He responded, a small smile somehow making its way onto his features despite how awful he still felt inside. Behind those borders his grandfather was a crushed wreck of the man he normally was and Chord was part of the cause of this. Surely he could have refrained from going back to Ahlon to show Envoi, Sonnet and Limerick to his mother. It may not have been the intention to begin with but somehow the spontaneous idea had popped into his head. He wanted to go back to being oblivious, more importantly he wanted the same for his grandfather.

There was only a minimal pause before he added something else; "I've got to at least wait to meet these new little Destructions that'll be wandering around soon, haven't I?" Whether tactfully added as an excuse to go against what seemed to be his nature or simply mentioned by luck. Either way the reasoning flowed smoothly and honestly from his lips, he wanted the time with his siblings as well of course.

"Shall we head back then? If you missed me that much they must be rather lost back at Abaven without me." And somehow he managed to hide behind his usual jovial behaviour. How, he had no idea at all.