
Caesar Destruction

Finch I


4 Years

11-30-2014, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2014, 01:46 PM by Finch I.)

Appearance: Like a newborn fawn, Caesar's coat base is a dark chocolate brown. White then takes over his form, dotting his pelt in various sizes. The muted white coats the bottom half of his muzzle, spreading up towards his eye before falling down his chest, following the path down to his belly and the underside of his tail. Around each vibrant green eye are the Destruction marks inherited by his father, an off white pattern that lines under his eye, stretching down towards his nose before curving upwards. It wraps around the top of his eye as well, curling slightly upwards towards his "eyebrow." Caesar is not very impressive in size, standing at 36 inches and weighing in at 138 pounds.

Cunning: The boy is quite clever, even from a young age he knows how to get what he wants.  He learned quite quickly how to manipulate others by sweet-talking them into thinking that it is all their idea, or that it just makes so much sense. Caesar will use faked innocence while he is young to get him out of trouble, as well as to get all he wants.

Wanderer: Being stuck in one place for too long is not good for Caesar, he will often go a little stir crazy and just needs to move. He sneaks out often as a child, and as an adult he can never be found in the same place twice.

Mean: To be honest, Caesar is not a very nice wolf. While he isn't downright cruel, he's not really the nicest guy. He can have his moments of softness, but usually he just sits there and glares at everything. He makes fun of his siblings, and while sometimes it is in good faith, others its not. He doesn't have much respect for other wolves, but he does know that he loves his family. Just maybe a little deep down.

Loyal: While he may grunt and groan about it. Caesar will not hesitate to jump in to protect his family, cause only he is allowed to be mean to them. He will not put up with anyone treating his family unfair, quite ironic for one who isn't too nice to them himself. But, that is how he shows that he cares for them, they can always count on him to be there to defend them.

Plans: For him to be a butt-hole brother? xD I'm not too sure yet, although he won't be the nicest, cutest pup. Lots of angst and maybe humping everything that moves... He will stay with his family but will often wander off to fulfill the need to explore.

Roleplay Sample: The fawn coloured boy sat outside the family den, the sun just starting to rise. It was still slightly chilly, but it didn't bother him. He took this moment of silence to be alone, before his other two siblings woke up. It wasn't often that this land was quiet. Sighing, Caesar looked out across the landscape and longed to roam all the lands under the sun. This small little speck was just not enough, he had already found everything there was to find, seen all it had to offer. There had to be more than just this...

A sound came from inside the den, little yawns and yips as his littermates woke up. Green eyes twinkled with anger, but it quickly switched to delight. They didn't even know where he was! Snickering, the boy turned around and scrambled up on top of the family's den, rump high in the air as he wiggled too and fro, waiting for the first person to come out. His lips curled to show off his little puppy teeth, a growl coming out of his mouth. At last his sister poked out her head, the one unlikely one to come out first. Letting out a childish battle cry he jumped from the top of the den to the earth, hoping to collide with her still sleepy form. "Ha! I got you!" He called out with delight, his poor sister a pancake below him. Caesar let out a laugh as he wiggled his butt on her, pinning her beneath his form. Hehe, he struck again!

Other:I have the gems to buy his markings :3