
e x t r a t e r r e s t r i a l


05-25-2013, 01:07 AM

On a normal day for her, Aeil would have been awkward and quiet with a stranger speaking to her. However, it was probably due to the structure next to her and the friendly aura of Lovatt that made her feel more open with being herself. She didn't know why, but the facts that his tones were kind and the way he held himself was non-threatening was a nice change of being alone as she travelled. Her sapphire blue eyes changed to a lighter shade of the blue stone and she spoke again without her usual hesitancy. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lovatt. My name is Aeil..a short name at that, but I prefer it over the longer version most of the time." She was pretty sure she told everyone that when she introduced herself, but she didn't mind. Aeil also hoped he wouldn't mind being left in the dark about her full name. If the time came, she would tell him without worrying.The young fae checked out the different colors that decked out Lovatt's form. She thought the colors were nice and blended together in a lovely pattern. Her gaze went from his face to her own form and she saw the darkness that practically swam over her body. Aeil loved her own unique hide and her self-consciousness swept across her face when she looked up. 'No time to get lost in your thoughts,' she told herself before returning her gaze to the wall nearby. "There are really other structures out there?" she asked curiously. Her gaze moved back to Lovatt's friendly blue eyes and her own widened slightly in disbelief. Surely they aren't as majestic as this one...Then again, whomever made this would have to share the talent around the world." She leaned her head to the side and asked, "I would like to meet a wolf who would know, eventually. That way I could say these unique builds didn't just...appear."
