
An Open Book, Read My Words


11-30-2014, 02:50 PM

Her ears pleasantly perked forward when he called her 'my lady'. The phrase had never been used to define her, and it was something she actually liked. She shyly looked away from him as they walked, only to look back at him through her peripheral vision as she swiftly replied. "The complete opposite, of course." Whatever little bit of eyes he could see would have a brilliant sparkle to them. "Otherwise, I wouldn't want you to be at my side." She revealed some of what she was feeling, but Pandora didn't mind if he knew. For some reason, it made her feel more relaxed about him being there.

His sign of affection made her get a few spine tingles, causing her fur to rise and fall down to her tail. The last time someone had nuzzled her ear had been when Scorpion was at her side...The wonderful evening and morning tried to rise to the surface, but she pushed them down with a firm paw. She didn't need the memories to appear now, not when she was in a completely different situation. His next question made her turn her head back in his direction, full gaze landing on his. "If you did such a thing, this damsel would become a blue popsicle!" She looked away from him again, eyes rising to the sky and a dramatic sigh hitting the air. "A beautiful piece of work frozen in time...." Pandora couldn't help but giggle as soon as her words faded. The girl had a flair for the dramatic effects.

They had reached the line of trees and the line of potential dens rose and fell in front of their eyes. Without saying a word, she left his side to explore the next available dark space, only a few yards from where he stood. The one she found was full of dry leaves and dead tree branches, evidence that something had once lived there. The scent was stale, indicating its presence was long gone. Slowly, she stepped in with her front paws and looked around, hoping nothing would jump out and startle her. Eyes dilated as they got accustomed to the darkness and what she found was worth the effort.

She stepped back outside, hating the brisk wind that automatically whipped her slender frame to the side. Her eyes shut tight from the chill and she shivered before she set back to stand beside Fendar. As she approached, her eyes opened and she gasped. Blood was forming on his nose, the evidence of him facing a dragon already beginning to seep into his nostrils. "Oh my..." She said breathlessly, eyes widening at his wound. It took her a minute to finally get her thoughts together before she said, "Yes, actually, I did. Follow me." Her blue frame turned back into the wind and she shivered once more as she walked towards the den she had found.

Once they got in from the harsh breezes, Pandora shook all over and then began to search. Freya had used some type of plant to help with coagulating blood, but she had no idea what it was. She impatiently sighed and looked for some large leaves that wouldn't break at her touch. Grabbing a few in her mouth, she walked over to where Fendar was and touched her nose to his maw. Rather than lick up the blood like a regular wolf would have done, she took a leaf and attempted to plant it above his nostrils, hoping it would catch. Turquoise eyes looked up to meet Fendar's, and she softly blinked as she also tried to watch and see if the blood would stop streaming so fast. "I 'ope dis tops soon," she said with a mouth full of leaves. Part of her felt guilty for the injury he had received...another part felt enticed that she was able to help it stop. Usually, her siblings were the ones who enjoyed people getting hurt so they could take care of wounds and the like. For some reason, she wasn't so squeamish in that moment.
