


11-30-2014, 03:40 PM

With Drashiel and Greek at her sides, she'd left Regium's lands and head eastward. Rumors had been flying that her father's sun had challenged for a pack- and   w o n.  Curiosity pulled at her- and she spoke to her pair as they traveled. "From what I know of Jupiter- she was allied with Father. She was present at the siege meeting." She noted casually. The party moved at an easy pace- a pace she didn't doubt that had been set by her mate. She hadn't mentioned to him- her pregnancy, a fact that she was now certain of but she had little doubt that he somehow knew, even if it was only his instincts that told him something was different about her. She'd step closer to him, trying to brush against his shoulder, both to comfort herself- and to perhaps ease any worries he could feeling. They'd be alright. She was sure of it. 

Greek grumbled at her other side and she glanced down at him. She wasn't sure how well her companion and her mate got along- but she'd asked Greek to come. Sometimes his smart ass humor made situations at little less tense. 

As the trio arrived at the borders of the pack-lands, Roman halted a respectful distance from it. Tilting her head back she let out a call for the Queen, and waited for Jupiter to make her appearance. She sank back to her own haunches, resting against the ground, a pleasant expression on her face. At the very least, she hoped this meeting would shed some light on who this "sun" of her father's was- and what her pack was like. 
Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 

for miss. jup and any other wolves whom appear? c; Roman would like to get to know Jup.