
Calling All Monsters


05-25-2013, 06:14 AM
Since his talk with Desdemona Ulrike was confident in how she is going to lead the pack. His chat with her was not only to voice what he needed to, but he was also observing her. Seeing how she copes with decisions that will effect others, and possibly how they view here. Ulrike knew that it was important to have those who rank lower than you like you. In this world if you are not liked by most members of the pack, well, you end up like Kaien.

His large frame sat upon his den, as the swivel of his ears picked up a call from their Queen. So it was time for the tournament to gain your rank, Ulrike let out a yawn and stood up. His tail swayed gently as he emerged from his den and begun to walk to where the call came from. As he came closer to the meeting place the weather begun to change. The rain pored down upon his pelt, and the terrain was quite impressive to host a tournament like this. The land was void of trees, plants, only rocks and mud.

Ulrike walked across the land, evenly spreading his weight between his four paws. This way he would not sink in to the mud and slip upon the wet rocks that beckoned for misfortune. His eyes soon came upon some members of the pack that have already showed up. All hoping that they can gain a high rank with in the pack. Maia, juno, Viridiana, her brother Kylar, and Secret, were one of the first to show up. Ulrike knew that everyone had fire in their hearts, irking for a good rank.

His eyes soon landed upon Desdemona, and Nnoitra.They sat there patiently waiting for the appearance of their members. Ulrike walked across this land with ease, he did sink in to the mud just a bit, but that was to be expected due to his large frame. He soon came amongst the group, he gave Desdemona, and Nnoitra a respectful bow and took a seat next to Seceret. Ulrike knew that he will be awarded a great rank, and he will do all he can to gain it.
