
An Open Book, Read My Words


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
11-30-2014, 04:50 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2014, 04:51 PM by Fendar.)

Stars are only visible in darkness ,
Fear is ever-changing and evolving.

He caught the meaning of her words, he wasn't stupid. He knew this was flirting, but there was more of an edge to it, a more sexual approach from the tone of her voice. He smirked at her, but made no impasses. He was slightly awkward in this situation, while he had no issues flirting back, he was still struggling to get over her heat scent. The conversation was taking a turn that he was unsure of, but it was certainly putting his self restraint to test. He wouldn't dare take advantage of her, and he wasn't quite ready to have pups yet. Plus, she wasn't ready to join a pack and he didn't want to leave Ebony and Kassander. If Pandora did end up carrying his pups, he wouldn't leave her side. He wasn't one to hump and dump, for him it was a more serious matter. A dying breed of gentleman, he was. She was happy right now though, out of that stupor that had once clouded this side of her. He would not suppress it, he was quite enjoying this time with her. So he took a deep breath of the freezing winter air, the bitter chill of it cooling his nostrils. It also blocked out a bit of her scent though. Plus, looking for dens would be a good distraction, it would keep his mind off of it.

When she turned to him and said she would have freezed, he chuckled. "Yes but then all would travel from across the lands to see the rare frozen beauty. Would that not delight you?" He jested, lightly bumping up against her again. He couldn't deny that he had seen her shiver though, when he brushed against her ear. It had been hard to miss, that iridescent fur of hers shimmering in the moonlight as it stood on end. He gritted his teeth to down the pleasure that it gave him, slowly pulling back from her in a non-alarming matter. Fendar had to get it together, this was not going to happen. Not unless she wanted it, and only if she was ready for the consequences that may befall her, and him. She would not get rid of him if she ended up pregnant, even if he had to leave Ebony.

When they roamed back towards each other, he was surprised that she seemed to be so shocked by his injury. It wasn't bad, but the blood wasn't stopping. He would live, he had been through worse. Plus if it scarred, it would be an interesting tale to tell, that was for sure. When she said to follow her, he nodded and dutifully padded after the woman and into the den. Fendar glanced around at the twigs and leaves on the ground, certainly no place for a lady. "Let me take some of this stuff outside, this is no place for a proper lady to stay." He said, sniffling slightly as the blood continued to flow. He didn't really care about that, he wanted to get all of this musty old stuff out of here. He was looking around at the den, so when he felt the heat of Pandora and the press of leaves against his nose, he startled. His hackles rose as he jumped, his skin crawling. But he settled down when he saw that it was just her, so very close to his face. Metallic eyes gazed into her cyan ones, his breath stilling as she held the leaves to his nose. He found his breath catching in his throat, her gaze so very captivating.

Fendar cleared his throat, gaze ripping away from her own. She mumbled through the leaves, hoping that the bleeding would stop soon. The male chuckled, eyes cutting back towards her own. "That should be good, m'lady. More than you needed to do." His voice was soft, barely above a whisper. They were so close to one another, teasingly so, noses almost touching. "Now will you let me tidy up for you?" He asked softly, suddenly feeling a bit shy. Oh what a delicate creature a woman was, to have him in shambles from a little look. A serpent who's bite you could not resist. His eyes shimmered at the thought, Pandora the snake didn't quite sound right. She was beautiful, and knew it too. Rightly so, but he knew that she must get a lot of attention. He needed to cool his hormones, cleaning the den and stepping back into the winter air was enough.

Fendar Xanilov