
You Found Me [Chronos]


05-25-2013, 07:11 AM

?I love you.? Before Blu, those words held no real meaning to him. Of course, he knew what they meant- it was about two people joining together, and a feeling that ran deep. He knew little of ?love?, he knew that it was a strong force, but one couldn?t possibly understand it?s strength until one was in love. As fucked up, as his mind was now, he knew he had one solid- one constant in his ever changing demeanor. Every time, Blu?s golden orbs landed upon his black frame or when he stared with blue eyes into her gold ones.. he knew. He loved her. He truly loved her, and there wasn?t anything that he wasn?t willing to do for her. He?d fight an army, jump from a cliff, gladly give his life for her- anything. Love for Blu, had become an all-consuming feeling- a dangerous power.

Chronos had never been intimately involved with another wolf. He was not one for meaningless casual encounters, though there had been many an opportunity. He instead had waited for the right one- The One. What she was asking of him wasn?t something bad, or strenuous, but he was nervous. What if he really had no clue as to what he was doing? He desperately wanted this first time, this love that they would make to be perfect for Blu. Taking a deep breath, he forced his feelings down as his body took over of its own volition, prepared to do what the woman before him had asked. Deep in his core, he felt a burning desire, a strange and a wild feeling. He finally understood, that overwhelming animalistic desire, that had been referenced so many times.

She turned her back to him, exposing herself to him, ready for him to claim her. He could sense her desire, and even though she wasn?t in heat, he could scent her lust for him. He stepped forward, nuzzling her hips, his tongue gently licking at the mangled leg, before stepping forward to claim her.

-fade to black-
