
Popsicle stand


11-30-2014, 06:27 PM
She eyed the black male, giving him her full attention when he spoke. Her ears flattened slightly, a frown pulling at her jaws. She remembered that incident. She hadn't understood why Kyung had tried to start a fight with their father. As he went on her frown deepened, and she spoke. "It doesn't have to be that way, Kyung. I may not have seen eye to eye with you there- but family doesn't always agree." She said softly, her brow furrowing over her eyes. His next words made her realize his intention of calling her. He wanted to leave. She let out a sigh, and lowered her head slightly. "You could be great here- we could get to know each other. You have family here." She started, before sighing. "But I will not force you to stay. You may leave- if that is what you desire." She said, a slightly defeated look passing over her face before it fell into a neutral expression. She looked away for a moment, before speaking again. "You will always have family here, Kyung. Even if you do leave- Remember that." She urged, her tone soft as she waited for his condemning words.