
My my, how things CHANGE



8 Years
12-01-2014, 12:39 AM

The heat of their passion was thick, it was almost tangible in the air between them. She could feel it tugging at them, pulling them to and fro. His heat soaked into her very soul, making her toes tingle as he held her close. There was so much familiarity there, a past -- but was there a future? That was a question that she could not answer, thoughts of Scorpion and her pups clinging to her mind. But she wanted to push that all away, to just feel and not to think. She wanted there to be no names, no thoughts, just hungry and feral actions. But it was too much, wasn't it? It just might be, with all that was holding them apart. It seemed like it would be such a simple answer, just something that she wouldn't even have to think about. But that was not the case here, no matter how badly she tried to quell the thoughts they persisted, nagging at her and chirping in her ear. All her mind wanted for her to do was stop, stop! Her heart longed for him though, it was yearning for something that only he could supply her. It was getting easier to forget, to just feel the sensation that was Crucifix.

His moan sent a shock down to her very core, the sound making her toes curl into the frozen landscape. A soft breath whispered out of her own mouth, a taint of that delicious sound. His head moved upwards and she extended her touch, teeth pulling at his fur. Her heart was thrashing in her chest, and she feared that it would break free from its confines. As the snow fell in a steady pattern around them she reached further yet, wanting to explore every inch of his body with her own. Inching closer still she pressed her chest flush with his own, hearts now one and she nibbled on the lobe of his ear. A delicate moan slipped forth, whispered against his ear. "Oh Cru." She mumbled, his name tasting like honey on her lips. She rose up on her toes, sharp teeth closing softly on the tip of his ear, tugging on it. A hiss sounded, the need for him to please her needy form growing by the moment.

She pulled back slightly, resting her nose on his. Crucifix's body reacted to hers, leaning in. She jumped on it, pushing herself against him harder still, a more harsh nip falling on his cheek. He craved his special flavor, needed it. Damn, it was an unmatched passion. It was different with Scorpion than it was with Cru, it always had been different. She needed that, needed the changed. She thirsted for it, like she hadn't had anything to drink for ages. His moan cried out towards her again, making her more vociferous in her movements. They became desperate, sharp and in utter ecstasy.


Words and body language conflicted, voice telling her to wait while his body leaned into her. She was confused, unsure of what to listen to. Hesitation was the key, it made her stutter step away from him. She backed up so quickly that she nearly tripped over her own paws, the pink haze that seemed to surround them shattered. Othello felt the cold winter air against her form once more, where only a few moments ago it had just been his heat. The scent of snow coated the inside of her nose, replacing his heady scent. She seemed to snap out of it, although her body was stretching towards him again. She still felt a need for him to take her, for her to just turn around and move that tail of hers that he loved so much. Her purple eyes grew cautious, watching him struggle for breath. He said he couldn't fight it, and her head tilted. "Then don't." She whispered. Her critical thinking had not caught up with everything just yet, her thought patterns were twining into one another like grape vines. But, his next words brought everything bad up. Her body grew cold, the passion slipping away from her all at once. Sinful thoughts were replaced by more wholesome ones, her jaws parting as if she was going to speak. Nothing cam though, only a sputtering breath that she nearly choked on. For life? "I can't make you do that Crucifix... I can't tear a family apart. My children may have left me on their own will, but I cannot force the pain that I went though on you. Scorpion has been scarce, I haven't been able to find him either. I cannot have you feel that pain and sorrow that I did. I..." She cut off, gaze leaving his own as her heart started to crack.

Othello looked back up at him, tears collecting in those purple eyes. A soft smile was on her lips, although it was not a sign of joy. "I need you Crucifix, and I find that I cannot walk away But I crave you in a much deeper way, and it is all much to complicated. Can we not have one night, just one last night of fiery passion?" Scorpion did it, and still he cared for Othello greatly. So could she not do the same? Could they not. She took a slow step towards him, nose stretching out to brush against his silver coat. Was she crazy for expecting him to go through with something like this? Perhaps, but Othello had always been a bit crazy...