
Breakin' my heart BIRTHING THREAD



4 Years
12-01-2014, 12:48 AM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2014, 12:48 AM by Chord.)
Chord had intended on sticking around to meet whatever nieces and nephews would soon be arriving and of course to spend time with his family. What he hadn't however quite expected was that the births would be happening quite so soon. Yes Motif was getting pretty big but having learnt the news not too long ago well he'd figured that there would be more time. Apparently it was a real good job that he wasn't the healer Motif would be relying upon. The call for Bass and Rhythm hadn't caught his attention at all, too far away to hear his sister's frantic cries and instead it was simply by chance that he would decide to visit her.

There was something wrong he immediately knew as he approached the den, the sadness and tension thick in the air but more worryingly was the scent of blood that he picked up on. From the silence he was too late to do anything if he had to, though he would find his way into Motif's den, fearful of what he would find.

First the tears of Rhythm and Bass but green eyes would find their way to Motif next, an exhausted looking heap on the floor and a pup nestled beside her. So tiny it amazed him, he wasn't blind though he too noticed the still pups set aside from Motif and the child and heard Rhythm's voice whispering words of sympathy. He stood silent, not sure what to say himself and scared to break the quiet that surrounded them. He was no fool though, and that aching pain of guilt and sorrow he'd grown far too familiar with as of late would rise within him again. He couldn't try take any sort of blame this time, this wasn't his fault and yet he still felt awful.