
Time stands still for no one [P]


12-01-2014, 03:01 AM

Toying with the rabbit as she was, Morgana would take nips at the pitiful creature causing small cuts to bleed into the white winter coat. It would cry out in both pain and fear, trying to get away from the monstrosity that held it at their mercy. This would not be accomplished, simply due to the fact; it would not get away. Yet the crunching of snow drew the demons attention away from her prey, those frosted eyes settling upon the form of another. A weak individual, by simply looking them over. That mutilated back leg was the hindrance, perhaps she would be better off with it removed. So it didn't slow her down, knowing a three-legged wolf could adapt fairly well without a limb, it was no great loss save for the pain they would ultimate experience.

Those ears shifted forward at the words spoken. "Those too weak or foolish to flee deserve what comes to them." The words were soft yet laced with a cruel truth. Picking up the rabbit by the back of the spine, Morgana tossed it to the fea's feet. It laid there momentarily stunned; it was a test to see what this one would do.