
Time stands still for no one [P]


12-01-2014, 03:58 AM

Eyes blinking they stayed where the were upon the smaller women, wondering and yet Morgana did not make a move. Why would she? When this one was doing it all for her? The sudden annoyance in Arian didn't go unnoticed, something was bothering her. A bit curious perhaps, but Morgana kept her inner chaotic self in check; rather then going and exploring this sudden display of annoyance within the smaller one. It would be something that would trouble her to no end. The rest of her family; it was hard to say if they had been dark or light, something in between even. Morgana did not know nor cared seeing she had no living members to question and gain insight from.

Morgana snorted, the women was teasing her and strangely it was starting to become..enticing; those jaws went into play as she only nipped at the women's rear in a bit of a painful pinch, not quite drawing blood. "Rule." Simple and at the same time it could mean a number of things; but it was clear from the tone Morgana was confident in her self. As to how she would rule, would remain in question.