
you lint licker



5 Years
Extra large
12-01-2014, 01:03 PM
Rated M for Language and possible sexual themes.

"Fuck!" The word would be expelled with great force as Scorpion jumped away from the snake that had just sunk its fangs into his back left leg. His form would whip around, having been completely unaware of its presence. The oddly shaped head, cat-like gaze, and diamonds running down it back would clue him in to the creature that had just envenomated him. He hadn't seen it there because its rattle was missing, it's tail bitten off by something. "Damn it!" He'd yell again as rage overcame the searing pain that would start to travel up his leg. He'd growl deeply as he found himself hobbling away from the nasty creature, he would not even swear vengeance on the thing, for surely he would not be on the earth for much longer. 

He'd hobble back to the den that he and Othello had once shared with their growing children, now it was empty most of the time with he and her off in different directions many days. It hurt him to know that he'd grown so apart from her, the only wolf aside form his brother that was loyal to him to the end. How could he say goodbye so quickly? How was it a snake would bring about his end? As the adrenaline faded he would find himself curled in the den, the bite's pain coming through rather well. He'd grit his teeth as he felt the effects of it start to break down the flesh and bone of his paw. If this was it he needed to say good bye, to hope that Othello would hera him and come to his aide. 

He'd wriggle himself to the entrance of the den, his head tipping back to call for the lovely she wolf he called his own. Hopefully Soliloquy would find his way here eventually too. They deserved better than he'd given them. The sound that left his throat was urgent, and held a tinge of pain as he continued to endure the painful wound. 

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"