
Bite Into Me Harder, Sink Your Teeth Into My Flesh


12-01-2014, 01:47 PM

Kau would say nothing more, letting the news fall to Nia, letting him take it in. His life, his regrets, all moved and shifted in this one direction. He was in for it, yes, but Kau felt oddly calm. It had only been a matter of time. If not today, surely another day. Someday he would die regardless... And if he could make one hell of an attempt to make his mark on this world, make a show of it, then why not enjoy himself before that day came? He would hear another arrive, his words a hum, though they were hardly of true pleasure. Well, not the usual sort perhaps. Kau would turn himself to face the owner of that voice, his purple gaze unwavering.

A man of pure white stood before him and Nia. Neither he nor the stranger knew each other’s name, but when the other man spoke Kau knew immediately what he was getting at. The small fae with the fiery temper was this man’s sister. Sure Kau’s first action had been bad enough, perhaps just a little justified in the beginning. But he pushed the punishment too far and even went after her again and again. He was no saint, had no words to dare make such a claim. This was the road he had taken, the path he made for himself, and whether he came out on top was yet to be seen.

Though the statement the white brute issued for his challenge conditions would be quite, well, unique, and hardly pleasurable, Kau couldn’t help but smirk. The challenge against him was not for his life, but for the right to take him, to mate, to force him as he had the tiny she-wolf. Ears would pin back, Kau’s upper lip lifting. While Kau indeed favored men over women and had slept with them himself... He was never the bitch of some other brute. So it seemed to be a strike not just for honor for that she-wolf, or for the family, but a blow to his pride. Clever. He might just have to applaud the male for coming up with such a plan. If he won that was.

He’d give a soft snort an amused expression on his face. “You think you’ve got what it takes to wreck a man from the inside? To tear his body apart in such a way? Have you ever danced with men in that heat? It sure doesn’t seem to be your forte.” Kau let out a sick laugh.

“Your sister got what she deserved for choosing to attack me when I gave her the chance to walk away unscathed. Sure I took it farther, cause it seemed her own damn kin didn’t teach her about her place in this world. Seems none of you know it.” Kau would hear Nia’s words, giving just a small nod in response. With his tail, as the boy turned back towards where Pamela and Shiki were waiting, Kau would brush it against him. He wanted to come home... But he would promise nothing. The games were over and things were getting far more serious. This was the sort of lifestyle that Kau was used to.

“...and shall you lose, angel eyes, I’m going to show you exactly what I did to your sister.” With those last words spoken, just more fuel for the fire between them, Kau would prepare himself for a true fight even as two others appeared on the scene. My my, it was indeed a party. A fight of survival, as each seemed keen on tearing him apart.

A snarl would rip from his lungs however at the second white brute’s words, shooting a glare in his direction. “The boy has done nothing wrong, or are you so keen to make an already muddled mess even messier?” So help them if they tried to hurt Nia. He would fight til he breathed his last fucking breath. But now... Now it was time to get down to business and ignore these bystanders. He would start with little angel eyes, the one of a pure white coat. Then his brother, unless their golden sibling chose to strike next.

Head would lower, aligning with his spine, chin tucked inward. The other brute was shorter than he was. Kau’s throat, for that reason, could very well become a tempting target. Brow would furrow as lips lifted in a snarl, revealing his fangs. Ears would pin firmly against his skull now, his remaining eye, the left, narrowing as fire burned within the light purple orb.

Shoulders were rolled forward, neck being scrunched to protect the area just a bit better. Hackles were raised to make the giant wolf look larger, more intimidating, though he knew better than to think this male was going to turn away now. Especially not if he was that fae’s sibling. Tail lifted behind him, aligning with his spine as an aid to his balance. His core was tightened, weight distributed across his four limbs and knees bent at their joints. He was ready, and he would not be so kind to grant the other young man the first move.

The white male was a couple feet away from him {confirmed by Tea} so Kau would need to close that bit of distance before he could attack. His movements were hardly graceful, but on the battlefield there was no time for grace, for shows of frills and tricks. No. There was no holding back here.

Paws hit the earth heavily, his body shifting off to his opponent’s left by six degrees or so. He ate the distance in a short charge, not planning to smash into his opponent however. Once he closed the distance his weight shifted, an attempt to make up for the balance now being focused in his back legs as front legs came off the ground. He was going to try to grab for the other regardless of how he moved, and wrap his right foreleg around the the left side of the brute’s neck. Meanwhile Kau’s left foreleg sought to dig it’s claws into the flesh of the white man’s right fore-chest [See diagram], closer to where his shoulder ended and that that area of the body began, as it went back to the earth. Fangs would seek the left blue eye of his opponent, wide enough to clamp down just around the area, to tear it right out of that pretty little head of his.

Fight:: Kau vs. Sköll for Right To Mate / Retaliation

Round:: One Out Of ???


-Attempting to wrap his right foreleg around the left side of Skoll’s neck to use as a support for his balance. {This in hopes to make it easier for his bite to land.}
-Left foreleg is moving more in a clawing motion, coming downward back towards the ground and seeking to tear into the flesh of Skoll’s right frontal shoulder / forechest {see diagram} as it goes back towards the ground to give Kau three legs to stand on.
-Attempted maim of Skoll’s left eye with fangs.

Defenses:: Head lowered and aligned with spine, chin tucked, brow furrowed, ears pinned, eye narrowed, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, tail alighted with spine, core tightened, weight distributed, knees bent

Injuries:: None, First Round.

Notes:: Due to the site move happening during this fight Tea and I have agreed on no defaults. I was also away for Thanksgiving, as I was sure many of us were busy doing. The fight should pick up pace now, however, as I have internet access again as well as a bus pass to ensure that the fight is replied to in a timely manner.

-Secondly, Tea, love lots. Best of luck to you and Skoll! It’s really hard because I don’t want either of our boys to lose, but I’m super excited for this!

Diagram!!: Fight Ref Link. *Click* me!
