
It's time for a feast[pack hunt]

Eirik I


3 Years
12-01-2014, 02:36 PM
Walk | Talk | Think
His perfect timing of showing up at the pack meeting just when it had been called to order had allowed the boy to narrowly avoid getting another talking to from his father, but he knew better than to think he was in the clear. With Rune's strict expectations, ones that felt exponentially greater on him because he was his son, Eirik knew it was only a matter of time before something else happened that threw him into the burning glare of his father's gaze and he needed to do something to prevent it. He knew next to nothing about plants and though he was a guard he considered himself rather poor at it, so heading out to accompany Warja did not sound like the best option - not to mention he was not at all sure his sister would have tolerated his disinterest and obvious lack of insight when it came to her job. The other two up and coming events, however...they were fair game. 

So when the call went up for those of the pack wishing to participate in a hunt to join the caller, Eirik, for once, wasted no time in answering. There was only one moment of hesitation when he considered trying to find Keiki to take her along, but without knowing exactly where she was and being unable to simply call for her he knew it would only slow him down and make him later. He just hoped next time she could be closer at hand so that she could do things around the pack with them, which he felt she had been doing a lot less of lately. 

Dark paws carried the large, pale grey boy across the Prairie and toward the small gathering that had already started around Colman, the caller of the pack hunt. And Rune was not here. Feeling slightly relieved - he had beaten his dad here if his dad intended to show up - Eirik allowed a smile to settle on his face as he looked over at his sister and her friend, the one she had spent so much time sneaking away to meet when they had been younger. He tried hard to keep his smile neutral while it threatened to widen into something goofy and teasing, and instead forced his rosy gaze away to take note of something else. Saga was not here. She had not shown at the pack meeting but Eirik had been hoping to see her pop up around the pack elsewhere, willing enough to assume she just had not been able to make it the first time but would make it for it later. The smile on his face faltered and fell away as he took up a spot opposite Warja and Kismet and stood facing Colman, inclining his head with a neutral, "Hey," to everyone present.