
Building Upon the Present [alamea]

Rune I


5 Years
12-01-2014, 06:22 PM

 Walk | Talk | Think
Winter had slipped in quietly, almost undetectable, within that first month. With the pack finally starting to get its paws underneath it and a good portion of his attention needed to ensure that those who wished to step up were actually doing so, Rune had been rather preoccupied with duty and responsibility. Even the children he felt he was neglecting in his need to keep everything functioning smoothly, but he felt even worse when considering Alamea. She was always the smiling face that was right beside him, a small yet sturdy support for him to lean against and build around. Maybe, he hoped, when the new duties were all settled among their respective leaders, he would have more time for her too. 

But special time had to be taken for her now. They shared a den so it was impossible for him not to know, but winter brought with it other spectacular things aside from snow and ice. The both of them were a year older, a year wiser, and a year further on with their lives. Their children were nearing on their second birthdays, close to being full fledged adults themselves, and in its own way it made him feel older than his age. Two-year-olds. His children were almost two! It hardly felt possible that he was only four, just barely twice their age, and it made him wonder how his little mate was taking it...and whether her thoughts were starting to run parallel to his own. 

He sought her out quietly, silently, no call or question given. She had to be around here somewhere, he assumed, as he scoped out the thick forests surrounding the pack's densite, not only looking through the trees but up among their boughs as well. If he could find Elliot he would be liable to find Alamea as well. But neither were here presently, and the snowy white wolf with the spring pink eyes was still nowhere to be found. Determined, puzzling over in his mind, Rune changed course and set off for the densite proper, intending to try and track her scent from their den to wherever she happened to be now.