
Machine Made of Flesh


05-25-2013, 07:11 PM

Well this was hardly fair. The male had joined Valhalla truly believing he would truly be accepted into the pack and be useful to them. Cairo had given him a warm welcome at the borders when he'd come to seek acceptance after finding them, but as soon as he'd been granted permission everything got bland almost. Duties weren't given out, and they'd only had a few pack meetings to discuss things he didn't quite agree with. Cairo was too old to rule, and he disagreed with Collision. Whatever was happening he didn't like it. He felt completely and utterly useless in the pack. Perhaps it was time to find fresher waters?

Tortuga wasn't much of an option. Of course his mother lived there and he loved her dearly, but he wasn't fond of their dark alignment. He was more neutral than anything else. He definitely wouldn't fit into that misfit bunch. He knew next to nothing about Ludicael. He knew much of Glaciem, but the northern pack did not interest him. That left Amenti and Seracia. Amenti was also too dark for his taste and he truly didn't believe he would make a good fit there, so that left Seracia. The Kingdom-like pack intrigued him and the thought of being a part of them was alluring. They were close allies with Valhalla, and Chrysanthe was being betrothed to their Prince. They didn't seem all that bad.

So to Seracia the young giant went. All thirty eight inches of him. A hulking mass compared to most and yet some of the beasts of Valhalla made him small. It was an oddity he couldn't quite comprehend. After a fairly easy journey he arrived at the borders of the pack and he stopped a respectful distance away. This would just be a trip to learn more about them and question them about a few things, but regardless it would hopefully tell him what he needed to know.

Black and red skull lifted to the sky as he threw back his head to let out a summoning howl. Blackened lips formed an 'o' shape before the sound drifted away into the sky and he sat patiently waiting for someone to come.
