
Desolate thoughts


12-02-2014, 06:33 PM

He raised a brow and chuckled, though light, when his father tripped over one of the shallower holes his son had dug. Hercules wasn't mean, especially to his father directly, so he would keep the laugh locked up for now, not wanting to damage his ego for something so silly. So he just stood there, tail slowly swinging and head held high, the corners of his lips pulling it into a small smile as he looked to his father with bright, flame colored eyes. Even if it was autumn in other parts of Alacritia, with the sun always high in the sky, burning furiously, it left this region hot even when others said it was cool.

Helios spoke, he didn't need Hercules, was just happy to see him. “Me too.” He voiced, pressing into his father's touch on the head, using his own nose to prod the man's shoulder. Ears perked up when he continued, mentioned the usefulness of their new lands, having minimal borders to patrol and asking what the boy was getting into out here. First he would glance in the direction his father had gestured towards, looking to the thin line of blue on the horizon before looking back to his father. “I am experimenting!” He said proudly, chin lifting and tail rising, nearly touching his back.

With that the boy turned away and padded over to one of his deeper holes, still quite proud, and turned back around so that he could gesture the man over. “I am seeing how deep I can go till the soil becomes damp, how long it says like that under the sun and how much deeper I have to go till I hit any water.” He explained, head lowered so he could look into the hole. This was probably the deepest, if Hercules stepped in you would only be able to see his head poking out of the flat surface. Lifting his head once more he grinned, doing a little bob with his head before asking, ”what do you think?”
