
Dancing With Cinderella


12-02-2014, 06:50 PM

Kar would gently lick his daughter’s head as she whimpered, the question escaping her. He had once asked the same question to his mother and now he would give his daughter the same answer Annette gave him. “It is part of the circle of life, Mystic. All creatures live, and all creatures will someday die. Those whom we kill we must never kill for sport and we must not waste the precious lives they gave so that we may live. It may seem cruel, but all of it has a place in this world.” The brute would give a flick of his tail.

“When you hunt, Mystic, you must hunt those who are older, sick, or weak. It is a way for our kind, and other predators, to sustain themselves without jeopardizing the animals we prey on. Take a herd of deer for example. If a doe was injured and lagging behind she becomes a burden to her herd. It is harder for them to move on, and easier to become a target of those who do not follow the unspoken laws of a hunter. By taking out those types of prey animals you ensure that the strong live on and thrive.” The man looked towards the water. “...and even if it is one you’re taking for prey... Kill it swiftly. Don’t let it suffer.”

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'
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