
You knew of my condition


12-02-2014, 07:25 PM
Something was wrong. There was a stir in the air that made the brute rise uneasily. Winter had set in, Camille recovering from some small sickness she had contracted. He had been pretty much glued to her side, that or was fetching water or food for her. The pack seemed lifeless. He wasn’t sure what to do here. What a pack wolf even did. His childhood hardly dictated the proper functioning of a pack and the male waited for orders that never came. He was scared... And he didn’t know what to do. Was he looked upon as a failure? Were he and Camille a burden?

A whine left his throat as he rose, not sure if Camille had the will to follow, and he left the den in search of the cause. He would follow the call and find himself in the presence of three -- Arian, a fae whom he did not recognize and the healer... Sage he believed. Just a look at the scene told him something was terribly wrong here. Ears were flicked back against his head, tail lowered between his legs as his bi-colored gaze were fixed on the two women. Was this a takeover? Were they all truly slaves now? No! Not again! It... It couldn’t happen... He had enough of that with his family... With his parents. He fought back the urge to whine.

“Great Castiel please protect us and give us strength...” He murmured, praying to the angel that guarded their family.