
I Could Stop Time



1 Year
12-03-2014, 01:38 AM

The man added his own response about the challenges and dealings with family in a tribe. She faintly wondered why he was referring to tribes, when he is not part of one. Perhaps he has had experience with tribes or family groups (whatever the name may be where he resides). Her memories could relate to his words. Although she may be an orphan herself, every other wolf not connected by blood were somehow considered family. In other words, she had to impress the whole tribe to gain respect and honor. This, unfortunately, had not been working out. She did not know the reason behind her distance with her family as there could be many reasons. Now she finally had to chance to talk to someone. But even better, this boy came from a different society and culture.

She kept silent and calm as she intently listened to the second part of his speech. He seemed to be apologizing for intruding, which she believed meant "get in the way". Why was he apologizing? He didn't do anything wrong. She was glad he interrupted her earlier moments of silence. Where would she be now if he had not wandered this way? Alone, of course. She beamed a smile, reassuring the man that there was nothing to apologize for. He next inquired if she would be punished by her tribe simply for staying away for a long period of time. The tribe wolves were free to roam the continent as they pleased, only if they had done something important for the tribe such as hunting or stocking herb collections. It was best for each wolf to return back to the main territory by sunset, although many do not. So staying away from the tribe wouldn't be deemed as a crime but exchanging words with a foreign wolf might be.

"The Goddess...I...I mean leader," She had to avoid leaking tribe names and terms. She didn't want to cause any confusion between their conversation. There could be some dangers behind it as well. "She will not mind. But at sun-down I must return."

She lifted her head towards the sky. Of course time had flown since their first "greeting". They did have a few more moments to socialize before it would time for her to start heading back to the tribe camp, unless the male wished to end their meeting right away.
