
Blank Space [Revenge]



3 Years
Extra large
12-03-2014, 12:10 PM
She seemed to relax as he offered his name , or at least she seemed a bit less uptight. She was allowed to be here, why was she so nervous? Really revenge couldn't have been much of a threat, he had next to no battle training, but if she was afraid of a hunter's skills it would be good to get out of his way. She'd give him her name and he'd find the smirk had gone and a real smile would tug at the corners of his lips. His first interaction with a girl was turning out better than he could have anticipated.

Esti would continue though, going on to demand his current state of being and actions, did he really want to tell her the truth and let her know that he had in fact been following her? "Just.. keeping an eye on things for Valentine." He'd lie by omission, failing to mention that it was her he was interested in and that Valen really had no idea what he was doing. He wouldn't give her any more information as her lyrics would spill into the air again, once again suggesting that he keep in her company, though this time she seemed much more serious. The tall boy wouldn't miss her trailing eyes, he'd find himself doing the same before she demanded his gaze once more. "I don't think I'm too busy for you," He'd say, almost suggestively. Had be a bit more experience on him he would have realized the potential in their meeting. "How do you propose we keep your backside warm?" He'd ask with a slight chuckle as he moved a little bit closer to her seated form.