
If i see the light



2 Years
12-03-2014, 12:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2014, 03:35 PM by S'alkrie.)

  It was no surprise that someone would come to her call, as it was something all alphas did. It was rather strange really, being in this position all over again. The first time she was just a pup, having the fortune of Isardis taking her under his wing. He had never severely punished her for her mistakes like he did with some of the others and often praised her on the rare occasion she got to be in his presence, though perhaps that was just luck, or the fact she also bore albinism. There wasn't a day that would go by that she hadn't missed him, and well it was really time to just move on. She had no ties to others, all had been severed. [or so she presumes] and simply sought for purpose. S'alkrie would drink in the woman's appearance before her, her posture, dominance. Which really made it clear she was the queen here. Wasn't she pretty? the girl would stay in silence for a moment longer, before slightly shaking her crown. " I simply seek a new beginning, Alacritis has grown rather boring in Isardis's absence..." S'alkrie wished to follow a strong leader, and would do anything for them. aiding in War, recruiting, anything. " What about you, miss? searching for a bit of danger?" The placid babe would tilt her crown, as she looked at the woman further, she would never have guessed Oberon was her son. Though they both did have the same eye colour.

image by Luisiana