
Taking steps in the right direction



9 Years
Athena I
12-03-2014, 02:54 PM

The first family member he had found when he returned to Alacritis was Isolde so it only made sense to him to seek her out first again now that he was back yet again. His absence had not been nearly as long as the last, not even a whole season, maybe not even a whole month, but he had left for a brief time and now he was back. It feel like it had been so long since he had last seen his sister even though in reality he knew it had only been a few months. But so much could happen in such a short time. He knew that all too well too. He padded through the vaguely familiar landscape of the Range, his vibrant gaze drifting from one sight to the next. His childhood felt like a lifetime ago. He could barely remember being here as a young pup, could barely remember a time when their parents ruled here. Oh how time had flown. Perhaps one day he would make this his kingdom... Or was it bad luck to rule somewhere a kingdom had already fallen once before?

He headed toward the last place he had seen Isolde, hoping that he would have some luck and that she would still be living near by. It seemed that luck might be on his side today since he could easily smell her fresh scent around here, telling him that she had at least been by here very recently. He settled onto his haunches, the ever present fence line a few feet away to his right side. Leo lifted his head and let out a howl to call for Isolde, eager to chat with one of his favorite siblings and see what kind of hand life had dealt her in their time apart. 

"Talk" "You" Think