
An Open Book, Read My Words


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
12-03-2014, 04:44 PM

She pulled away from him, and Fendar felt as if he could finally breath. He couldn't help but let his metallic eyes roam her body once more as she dipped down, taking a bit of pleasure from just how beautiful she was. Never before had he seen a woman like this, and she had his interests. But it was more than just his instincts driving him towards her -- his base urges telling him to hump the crap out of her -- but she was interesting as well. Playful and smart, and alone. He felt the need to protect her, which is why it was no big deal that he got scratched in the process of it. He slowly moved further into the den, pawing at the dead leaves and forming them into small piles. There were some sticks that had frozen to the ground, and others wedged in awkward positions. Letting out a small growl he made his way towards them, jaws opening to snap the sticks in half. Thankfully that was all it required, and he had enough jaw strength to do so with ease.

When Pandora asked him if he did this often, he looked over his shoulder at her form with a grin on his face. "Nope, you're the first one that hasn't been related to me." He said truthfully, seeing no need to hide it. So what if he was a good guy? Most wolves didn't stick around long enough to see through his grumpy exterior. Grabbing a mouthful of tree bits, he made his way to the mouth of the den, tossing his head to the side so that they didn't rest just outside of her new home. It took him a few trips until the den was clear, all the dead leaves swept out. He wrinkled his nose, the musty smell was strong enough to even drown out her heat scent. This would simply not do. Looking over to Pandora, his tail wagged as an idea came to mind. "Just a second."

Pushing his way quickly out of the den, his gaze roamed around the forest. Silver eye closed to give him a better view of the darkening trees, looking for one in particular. Ah, there! A pine tree. The large male picked his way carefully to the tree, watching out for the deeper snow banks. Once he made it to the trunk, he rose on his hind legs and rested his paws on the bark. His neck stretched until he could reach the lowest hanging branch, snapping the branch off with his teeth. He disturbed the tree though, the snow that it had been collecting dumped all over his auburn body. Eyes grew wide as he saw it coming, but he wasn't able to get out of the way in time. Yelping, he was knocked off his paws and his large body was buried. What a great knight he was.

Digging himself out of the snow, he huffed, but the branch was still firmly in his jaws. Ha! Pulling himself up he wiggled the damp cluster of flakes off of him, although they still clung to his fur. Fendar made his way back to Pandora, prize held high. As he walked in he tossed her a goofy grin, coated in snow. Walking to the back of the den he dropped the pine branch, rubbing the needles with his paw pad so that the scent came alive. Picking it back up he wiggled his head around, then dragged it along the walls of the den. Satisfied, he dropped it and took another whiff. Ah, better! No more must, just pine and Pandora's delectable heat scent. He shivered slightly, but it was not from the cold.

The brute eyed the blue and gold woman, a single brow raised as he awaited her approval of her new home. "Does this satisfy the damsel?" He asked, sitting in the middle of the cave. He was still covered in snow, but it slowly began to melt. "And should you require a knight to protect your new castle from dragons, I can guard the entrance." His vocals may be teasing, but he was being honest. He didn't really want to walk home in the snow anyways.