
you lint licker



5 Years
Extra large
12-03-2014, 05:28 PM

He knew that Othello would not know where Orchid went, she would have as much of an idea as he did and he had none. So he would suffer through with out any medication that might lower his pain levels, he would have to grin and bear it as he found himself preparing for death. It was fitting that Othello would be the last wolf there in his last moments. He knew that he loved her before, but especially in that moment with her closeness and his need for her. Of his need to have her there as he breathed his last. He'd no longer be able to provide and protect her like he once had, not that he'd been providing recently. He'd allowed their children to leave and he let her fall asleep alone. Why had she come back again? She deserved so much more than he could give her.

Her words would cause his pain fogged eyes to open, his gaze searching her purple stare confused. He'd find her smile irresistible, and with hope beyond hope he wished that he would make it through this just so he could continue to hold her until the end of time. Death would take away her delicate smile from him, and he could hardly bare that thought. He'd find himself sighing as she would come to gently nibble at his ear, the feeling sending a shiver down his body as he focused on her movements rather than the venom within his paw. He'd get lost in her gentle touch as she became more bold in her movements. He'd moan softly as she paid special attention to his sensitive parts, life would slowly return to his eyes as he would lean back to let her work. He might have been dying, but if he was going to lose his life this was how he wanted to go out. "Othello," He'd whisper again as soon as he could catch his breath, she knew very well how to make his body shudder. "Othello, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for how i've treated you.." He'd lose his words as she ran over a particularly good spot, "I don't think I can ever make it up to you.." Would she even accept what he thought about proposing to her? He'd refrain from asking her just a little bit longer..

"Scorpion's Speech"
"Othello's Speech"