
Rest at Last -open-



02-11-2013, 02:39 AM
Quote:The sound of the voice that spoke up on her behalf, unexpected as it was, rightfully should have frightened her on the grounds that she had been unprepared for it. But her surprise over simply hearing it was easily lost in her surprise at realizing that it was one she knew. Ears perking unabashedly upon her head, the thickly furred white wolf turned, brown eyes expectant, tail giving a faint wag, to look properly at the speaker.

Her mouth broke into what for her would have been a wide, bright smile, her tail wagging in a friendly, excited greeting. Mercianne rose swiftly to her paws as the Glaciem's Chief descended the remaining steps down the waterfall to join her there beside it. A quiet, glowing sense of elation bubbled within the timid little wolf at the sight of the one other who had shown her a great kindness, and the respect, gratitude, and delight she felt upon seeing her was written cleanly and plainly upon her face. Though for a fraction of a moment, it faltered. Catching sight of the empty socket that once had housed a bright golden green eye, Mercianne could only wonder how it had been lost but knew there would be a better time and place for it later.

She should have been happy to know that Crusade was grateful to find her, but knowing that so many others were still lost was a considerable tragedy. Her expression seemed to slip below a cloud as she considered all the wolves that she had seen from afar there at the pack's lands, so many of them she had never truly met and might never meet. It was painful to know that overnight everything had gone into chaos, and though she said nothing she did hope with everything she had that they might be given a chance to reconnect and regroup to bring the Glaciem back up to what it had once been.

With someone else there to speak up for her, Mercianne seated herself again and let Crusade carry on with the conversation, grateful to take the backseat. When she glanced at the darkly colored wolf, she still did not meet her eyes, but she did feel easier in her presence. Knowing she had someone sticking up for her, watching over her, was a godsend, and, brown eyes still containing a little of their joy about having someone she knew and trusted wholeheartedly present, she listened as the conversation progressed around her.

-- mercianne