
I dreamt they dropped a bomb



3 Years
12-03-2014, 05:59 PM
Yes he should have thought to his brother sooner though clearly Soliloquy was suffering from some rather selfish thoughts right about now. Rather than stay and comfort Isolde or discuss matters with her, here he was asking his brother for some kind of escape route and now already plotting how he might live his last two months of freedom. It was only in the moment of searching for some distraction of children that he had thought to link the fact that Scorpion needed a healer and the fact that Orchid was here.

Scorpion wouldn't be too pleased with the delay and rightly so. He should have thought of it sooner, mentioned it to Orchid when she had arrived earlier. Isolde had been his concern at that moment however hopefully when he was feeling better his brother would forgive him for that. Silently he would obey, backing out of the den and trying to guess where his sister might have gone to now. A part of him was surprised she hadn't tried to visit Scorpion already if he was honest, though it didn't occur to him that in his lack of care for Isolde, his sister was possibly fulfilling her role of a healer and trying to find ways to help the poor pregnant woman cope.

Swiftly he would give up and let out a call for her instead, bright eyes glancing around and awaiting for her to arrived before him. Would she come? He hoped so, this wasn't for him after all and hopefully the tone of urgency would prove that fact that he wasn't being a selfish idiot at that moment in time.