
The last gift, my curse



2 Years
12-03-2014, 07:53 PM
To his deep relied, Odette quickly showed interest in the position, althrough she was clearly cought off guard. At least he wouldn't have to look further then Odette for someone to watch over the wolves he had brought together here. “Well, I suppose with the direction you take the pack would be wholly up to you now, but as Alpha it would be expected of you to, if not yourself, then another high ranking wolf of your choosing should attempt alliances with the other packs of Ala, or at least get to know them. Its good to promote activity” he managed a short laugh at this, a tired sort of humour “But that isn't always easy, honestly being Alpha is working out how best to look out for your wolves, singular and as a whole. But personally, as these are my friends we are talking about I will have some conditions” he would add, more softly.

He thought for a moment, trying to bring his thoughts into a more ordered collection, this was fairly sudden for himself as well but knew knew that it was now or never. “I was asked to take in Rohini, who is now a healer apprentice under Orchid, I want her to always have a place here, to know that she will be okay, in light of that I would prefer it if you could keep the pack where it is, to save confusion in the leadership change, so wolves like Rohini know they still have a home here. Also you should know that Twig and Alpine will be leaving, and if Sibelle also decides to leave you will need to find more members, boost up the ranks to make this work. I'm dearly hoping that if me and Sibelle are out of the picture Arcanium will leave you alone, but you should be warned they love to harass us, and aren't above kidnapping.. but like I said, I dearly hope they leave you alone” he took a breath, still thinking.