
It's time for a feast[pack hunt]



3 Years
12-03-2014, 11:15 PM

As wolves started to arrive, he felt a little more at ease. He was used to this, he hadn't told Rune maybe but he had a background of leading wolves. That was what his childhood had been centered around, and it had been hard considering every time he passed his mother he couldn't do much about her being a slave. Though Akemi's child appeared, his cousin. As he smiled mildly, of course his first impression on these wolves was obviously not the best. He had stepped out of bounds and he knew that, now though it was time to prove he wasn't just a nosy little prick because he was far from.  "Hello there." he said softly. "Do you know where your mother is? You should find her, because one day when you're big and strong you'll be able to help catch the food." Colman said. It was his best attempt at trying to get her to realize she couldn't participate. Though maybe she could watch but that wasn't his decision to make. He lifted his head and looked at the others.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming. For those of you who don't know me my name is Colman. I'll be instructing the hunt for today." he said in a loud voice, his ears perked forward. He was not swayed by Rune's presence on the outside, though on the inside he was having a little panic attack. "There's a small herd lagging behind for their migration not far off. I'm hoping we can catch something big enough to be able to feed all of us." he looked over them for a moment. "Warja and I will separate the target from the herd, and then Kismet and Erik I'd like you to try and take it down. After you have a hold of it, me and Warja can help." his tail flicked mildly he smiled. This was a group effort if any.

"Let's get started." the male started towards the scent of the herd. He felt alive again if anything.

ooc: second round due the 9th! If you have any questions feel free to ask. 
