
The sweet sound of broken bells


12-04-2014, 12:58 AM

The fact she had just acquired leadership within the pack had been what kept the demoness up, now and then she would catch a short nap but not much else. It was weak, it needed to be made stronger, it needed more members. Alas she knew such a thing would come in time. The Pendragon had no intentions of starting a war or rising tensions with the other packs. All too well knowing she still had much to learn, of the packs them selves and their inner workings. A sigh escaped her as the dark women had just left her own den, however strange it was living in a place as this. It had it's uses.

Those ears flicked forth as a bark was uttered, not one of the pack. Frosted eyes narrowed as the demoness made her way out of the mines, that tail head high as was her head. Those ears thrusted forward in an obvious show of dominance. However those frosted eyes landed upon an uncanny male. Strange, he smelled like a rogue; what was he for? "You called?" Choosing not to say a lot in the least, much less ask question upon question, no, she didn't beat around the bush. Short and simple worked just as well..