
Standing toe to toe



8 Years
Athena I
12-04-2014, 02:42 AM


It was surreal, being here as a captive. Everywhere he looked brought back memories of his first days truly living with with his mate. Surreal and Erani and the rest of Valhalla... Those were the memories that kept him from going completely insane. Ever since the day that he had been captured and his sister had gone free he had kept to himself, hiding in a small, forgotten den near the center of the territory. He left only to find himself some food, but even those efforts were given up if he saw one of the members of this cursed pack outside his make-shift home. He really couldn't bring himself to put any of the blame on them. He could only blame himself for getting into this situation, Kylar for bringing it upon him, and Catalya for facilitating Kaylar's actions. But Sibelle was safe. She was back at home with her mate and her children. He could find solace in that.

Oh but his children. His dear, sweat children. With each passing day he knew he was missing all of those precious moments of their childhood and it killed him to know they were growing up without him. He had grown up without a father. Isardis's absence from his life had been under completely different circumstances, but the last thing he wanted was for Zuriel, Faite, and Regulus to grow up with the same resentment toward him him as he did Isardis. And Surreal. Oh he was sure his firey mate would have an earful to give him when he finally got out of here, that was for sure. A sad smile touched his muzzle as he thought about it, actually looking forward to being chewed out by her because at least they would be together. At least he could lay eyes on her beautiful, headstrong gaze again.

With a sigh he pulled himself to his paws, moving over to the entrance of the den and peering out. His stomach rumbled hungrily. He knew he had to eat if he was going to keep any shred of his strength up. The last two days there had been wolves milling about most of the day so he had forced himself to stay in, but he was already withering away to nothing as it was. His ribs had begun to show, even through his thick winter coat. He remembered a time when he was built like an ox, thickly muscled and strong enough to take on even the biggest opponents. That Falk had been something to fear, this Falk... He didn't know who he was any more. He slipped out into the cold air, vibrant eyes glancing around for any sign of the Arcanium wolves. There were several fresh scents, but he didn't see anyone right away so he dared to pad out further into the territory, hoping he might come across a rabbit or even some scraps of someone else's meal he might be able to take back to his den. Suddenly Kylar's sent hit his nose and he stopped, his ears flicking back. He glanced over his shoulder, considering running back to the den, but he was too far. There was no way he could run in this state anyway. He sighed and turned his gaze forward once more, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in his stomach as he prepared himself to face his captor.
