
With Liberty and justice for all [Mature]

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-25-2013, 09:27 PM


She turned her head back toward her child, knowing Friction couldn't say no to her offer. He had done just as she wished he would. His warm pelt pressed against her own, and she leaned back a bit, laying herself against him. His head peeked over her shoulder, and she couldn't help the smile and giggle that followed his reaction. She was showered with kisses and nuzzled into. Her tail wagged along with his, and she too tried to keep her excitement down, she didn't want to stir up dust either. "I don't mind, and yes, i'm pretty tired. I don't know how mothers give birth to four of these things." She nuzzled the back of her head into the crook of his neck as she spoke, her eyes closing. She couldn't believe all this had happened, and it had come so fast... Before she knew it she had a complete family consisting of a... well... almost mate, and her very own child. Eyes snapped back open. A name? Of course she had one. "Well.... I thought of one name. Liberty. What do you think? And if you have a sire name she can acquire that as well... I don't have one.." She wasn't sure if he had a last name or not, but either way, her name would be beautiful with or without one. Everything seemed so perfect... until he showed up.

Cairo. She pulled herself away from Friction as a natural reaction. What would Cairo say when he discovered the child wasn't his? She hadn't been sure who's it would be... But she was glad it was Frictions. They could actually build a relationship... her and Cairo couldn't. He was years older than herself, and had already experienced love, had a wife, had kids. She was just gaining all those things. But she did care about the brunette lord. In her eyes he would always be her king, her true king. He had accepted her into Valhalla, and turned her into something great. Without him she would not be where she was today, no, she would be alone, out in the unclaimed lands, fending for herself. In a way he was her savior. She was surprised when he congratulated her, she had expected a... different reaction. Then again she hadn't expected any less from the regal king. He always knew how to handle things, good or bad. She turned her head so it was facing the opening of the den, bright pools of blue searching to meet Cairo's. A soft smile placed itself upon her features as she spoke. "Thank you Cairo. This is Friction, a man I met during an exploration of Sunset Falls. And Friction, this is Cairo, the retired lord of Valhalla." It had certainly been more than an adventure, but surely Cairo already knew that. It was also obvious that he wanted to speak with Friction. One ear flicked back. What could he want to speak with him about? The ivory gal waited for someone to say something, or at least do something.