
Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me



2 Years
12-04-2014, 05:53 PM
I'll edit with a sample post in a bit :3 I thought I'd throw a new twist from the norm of pirates plundering and such

Illyria believes in maximum potential and endless opportunities. She knows that life is not a matter of having good card cards, but of playing a poor hand well. She is the captain of her own ship - meaning while she may lie at times, when she is caught she takes full responsibility. And Illyria will take action & set sail - navigating with intent towards her dreams.

She is optimistic in her outlook and resists cynicism & negativity. Many have said Illyria holds a magnetic personality - she makes you feel that you are great and may even inspire you to even greater levels of greatness - she is a motivator & fruitful gateway on the path of life. She is passionate & enthusiastic; free & independent thinking. As such, she is capable of making bold & brave decisions and calculated risks.

Illyria is not afraid of making mistakes - as mistakes are just learning opportunities. She is compassionate & avoids value judgements. People are neither purely “good” or “bad” - they simply make wise or unwise decisions. She sails on the "Sea of Serendipity" - often attracting positive meaningful coincidences into her life. Illyria also swims in the "Ocean of Opportunities" - tending to see opportunities everywhere - even (and especially) in times of crisis.

She strives for excellence & consistency, not perfection. Illyria will resolve to do what is hard & necessary vs. what is quick & easy. There are no shortcuts to success or special herbs one can take that miraculously make things easier or cause problems to disappear. She is an explorer & adventurer - undeterred by stormy seas, because she knows smooth seas do not make skilled sailors & because a ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.

Nor is Illyria afraid to sail into the unknown, because she understands one doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore. She does not believe in anything simply because it’s what she was told or taught - instead, after observation & analysis, when she finds that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, she then may accept it and live up to it.