
i'm coming home


12-04-2014, 05:55 PM

She'd left the sanctuary of The Red Forest and returned to a wood that had once been home to Bevroren. Her mind was full with useless prattle- and though Drashiel proved to be very distracting, she needed to get out. She needed to clear her head. She moved at a slow trot, her breathing was slightly increased, and she could feel the pregnancy that she carried beginning to seep into her energy. Her stomach was slowly swelling, but it wasn't overtly noticeable. Still- she'd need to tell her King soon of the children they were to have. She slowed to a walk, letting out a heavy sigh. How had she found herself pregnant again? She had to learn to control that. She took in another breath. Her head snapped up in curiosity. Her ears pricking with interest. She recognized that scent.... Turning towards it, she'd pick up her pace until she emerged from the wood- she hoped she'd emerge at his left side. "Kyarst. Long time, no see." She spoke, her eyes studying him curiously.  Her greeting was casual in nature, a slight glimmer of curiousity behind her words. Kyarst had grown since she last saw him, and she wondered where he'd been. She'd only spoke to the youngster once, when he was younger. But she did remember him. She stood about seven or so feet from him, her head raised proudly as she gazed at her younger half-brother.  She glanced around them, her eyes studying the forest. She'd made a good decision- choosing the red forest over this. 

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