
Demons Never Die [Meeting]


05-26-2013, 11:03 PM
ooc: ttyping from a thing sooooo get ready for word vomit. round ends on the 30th

cairo had known that the wolves of valhalla were likely going to answer him and he had been right. smile dipped over warm features and he began his speech,?this place were once a home and it is no longer such. this is not collision's fault nor is it yours, but, it is ours. you all expected collision to be me, and for this you are all wrong, though, discussing things with an alpha is one thing, calling him 'piss-poor' before a pack is another,? eyes fled to fenrir and narrowed in on him, ?your mother might have taught you how to mouth off, but you know that was unacceptable,? it need not be spoken that the boy would remain in valhalla without promotion. ?Erani, you have been a mother to my children while they've not had one, however, i am still the father of my family and disrespect towards collision in his attempt to save you all will not be tolerated. i will not be renouncing the given punishment,? some would not agree, so be it. ?my family were one of betrothals, patriarchal design, and polygamy. collision knew this, and my affairs as a valhallan and as an adravendi are separate. none of you need get involved. concluding this: collision has stepped down from his position as king, what you do with this or say to him is between yourself and him,? the old man were tired of getting invested. proceding: ?ranks in valhalla will be returning to an easy system of numbers. alpha, beta, delta, etcetera. now, you must all think that i am king now, however, this is false. icarus will be taking over. he is a man i trained as a child.? he had skipped two subjects, ?slaves are had in valhalla... though we do not abuse ours in extremes. also, regarding tortuga, they were rightfully made enemies and i will stay to that. never will a tortugan be trusted. if they move against us death will be their reward. you all seemed so taken aback by an enemy, however, that is what we have warriors for. that is what i am here to do. to die for you all,? he was done and nodded for the new alpha to speak.