
i'm coming home


12-04-2014, 08:37 PM

And so the conversation continues, with Kyarst speaking again. Roman's brow raises slightly. "I've no doubt, Father would approve." She conceded, pausing before explaining. "Drashiel is the father." She'd speak with a slight air of pride to her voice. 'Lo she was prideful in taking her brother to bed. As Kyarst spoke again, she felt a slight smile pull at her jaws, and she raised her head proudly- pausing before speaking and as she was ready to announce her title. He spoke and she noted some distaste as he spoke Athena's name. Athena hadn't been that popular, in the family at least- from what she'd noted. It was oddly surprising. "I rule now." She spoke firmly. "I took the crown from our dear sister, as she wanted to spend more time with her children. Drashiel is my King." Her tone was strong though perhaps slightly scathing. She understood why Athena stepped down- but Roman's own mother had ruled their tribe while still being a good mother to her. She knew she could do it just as well. A slight silence filled the void, and her ears flicked forward as Kyarst spoke. 'I'll miss it here.' He said, and her brow furrowed slightly. "Coming home? Or trying to find your place elsewhere?" She inquired. She hoped he was coming home. They needed wolves with potential to lead- wolves she knew would be strong in blood, and therefore in mind. However, she wasn't blind to the rather... lose feelings of loyalty the younger siblings seemed to have. They always seemed to leave to find 'themselves.'- without realizing they would find themselves with their family. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak