
Don't believe me, just watch! [Kyarst]


12-04-2014, 10:05 PM

Pandora wasn't surprised when another wolf appeared nearby. She was the kind of woman to entice both genders and their curiosity about her form (aside from the other obvious reason). She heard hacking not too far from her, indicating that a lung problem must be present in this wolf. Her brows furrowed at the thought. What if he had to run for his life and couldn't because he began to have an asthma attack? Such a shame if he was indeed a powerful wolf?

Her eyes remained closed as the male approached, his scent strong on the cold winds. An ear perked in his direction and in response to his question, she only chuckled. The golden eyelids she had inherited from her mother shined in the semi-darkness as she heard the hunger in his voice. Ohhhh, he was a bad boy, eh? Hmmm, little did he know she was just as eager for a challenging courting.

"Nooow..." she drawled, Romanian accent hitting the air at all of the right points, "who said I was alone in this deep, dark fog?" She turned her head in his direction, ears perking forward and eyes opening to reveal a turquoise gaze. "I could have guards all over the forest, making sure my safety wouldn't be compromised." Pandora raised an eyebrow as she looked him over, taking in the details that the night's light would reveal. "Then again...why wouldn't I want to be in danger? Especially when my potential spy would be so dashingly handsome?" She knew she was pumping up his ego and she wanted to relish in his reaction.