
To condemn a man


12-04-2014, 11:24 PM

Occ: Newly acquired ruler of Isokan, just haven't had her updated yet.

No call was given, no summons and yet the male came here. For one reason or another, he seemed to be a rogue. Question was, was he right for the pack. Tail flicking the demoness pulled her self out from the shadows, that frosted gaze falling upon another form. Another wolf; perhaps from a pack she had yet to visit. But alas, she hadn't visited any of the other pack lands as of yet to determine an alliance or standing with her now, acquired pack. Ascending to the throne had been easy, the previous alpha had been weak and unwilling to uphold their leadership. Thus after a bit of fun, Morgana had found her self with the crown upon her head. It had been interesting to say the least.

But putting such aside, the women turned to the rogue; not bothering with a dominance stance as the male had. However she was still regal in her movements, as if every shift or step had a precise purpose. "I suppose you are seeking a pack, or are you here for a fight?" The question was simple and yet asked both of such a thing at once. It was either or the male was here for, the question was; which one?