
No One Cares


05-27-2013, 12:52 AM

[mature for language]

Fenrir couldn't comprehend what had happened to the pack he had once lived in. He'd left the old Valhalla to find himself, joined a pack on this new Alacritia when he'd moved far before the exodus, and then come back to Valhalla once he'd heard they'd all traveled here after the rumors of an eruption in the old lands had spread like wildfire. Needless to say he was disappointed with Valhalla, Cairo, all of them. Cairo had changed into something he no longer recognized and no respect was given anymore. Valhalla had lost any morals and values, and he also refused to think of the pack his mother lived in as enemies. The pack wanted nothing to do with Valhalla but remain in their mountain range and live quietly without being disturbed. They were all fucking idiots for calling them "enemies." It was obvious Tortuga would do nothing to cause a war, they just had their heads too far up their ass to see anything but shit. He refused to be a part of something that was failing so miserably. A horrid system that was unjust and cruel. Something that went against every moral he owned. He was too righteous for it. To proud. Too good of a wolf to remain in a fucked up world. He wouldn't stand behind them and call them family, much less give his dying last breath for half of the individuals who couldn't seem to determine right from wrong anymore.

He made no warning gesture, no signal to any of the higher ups he was leaving. He just walked. His massive form would cross the border and he would pause to look back for a moment to see if anyone would cross his path. Anyone could come say goodbye, but nothing would change his mind. He most likely would avoid Tortuga else he be viewed as a traitor. He didn't like the idea of switching to the darkly aligned pack. Too different for his taste. Glaciem wasn't his cup of tea, and he knew next to nothing about Ludicael. They probably wouldn't like it but he had every intention of going to Seracia to investigate. If they seemed like a good fit he would try and make it a place to call home. If not he'd happily stay a rogue. It was better than being a part of something so twisted and vile. It was worse that Tortuga in his eyes. They hid behind falsities and statements. All bark and no bite and no where to put themselves to. No justice. It made him sick to his stomach.

Black and red head shook as he thought about it. Pathetic rung over and over in his head. He felt sorry for the healer Erani. Her duties were still stripped and it was wrong. She was a healer and it seemed she was the only experienced healer they had. Imagine if someone were attacked. He would certainly have to laugh in their face if they came crying and pleading to her to help the wolf that was injured because all the others hadn't been given the proper training. What idiots. And how dare Cairo look at him like he'd done something wrong. They'd turned into a dictator ship and he wouldn't had it. Collision had acted no better. In fact he'd acted like a fucking child, and yet he was given an evil look. Two-faced bitch. Needless to say his anger had been fully aroused and a growl slipped out at the thought. He'd hardly been around his mother long enough to learn anything incredibly life changing from her. What he'd learned was what he taught himself or learned from his previous pack. What an idiot Cairo was. It was obvious he was being judged because his mother had told them all off and then went to Tortuga. Especially when she'd insulted Cairo at the borders. Anyone from the old Alacritia would continue to judge him simply because they were assholes. That much was obvious. So he would leave.

Giving Valhalla no last look he left with his head and tail held high in pride. Pride of who he was and what he stood for. It certainly wasn't what lay behind him, but what was ahead of him. A better future and something better to put his faith and loyalties in.

-Exit Fenrir unless stopped-

[ooc: If this doesn't have a reply by the 29th then it is presumed Fenrir went to Seracia without meeting anyone on the way out.]
