
i'm coming home



3 Years
12-05-2014, 08:36 AM

Lysis Armada was used to being alone. Even during her earliest months -- she'd been born a sickly and frail thing -- she had quickly grown used to caring for herself and expecting little from others. The Armadas were not generally known for being compassionate and her father had been scarce at best during most of her life. Though it had felt very much like she hadn't been destined to make it beyond puphood, she had flourished in her own way; and with the help of no-one but herself. Much of her development had happened away from lands familiar to her. She'd escaped the northern lands, disappointed in the disappearance of her brother and father, jaded by Kyarst's own abandonment so long ago, irritated by how little everyone seemed to care.

But now --  it was time to return.

Lysis knew these lands like the back of her paw. Navigating the terrain was easy, despite how treacherous winter made the north. The land was caked in ice and snow and the tall trees loomed dangerously overhead, their boughs swaying and creaking under the weight of winter. Nobody ruled these lands currently, something she was thankful for. Nostalgia washed over her as she weaved between the trees, slender paws slapping audibly against the ice as she roamed freely. For some time she lost herself in memories of a life that was no long, of being a child and wandering amongst these trees, protected by her father and those that ruled Glaciem around her.

It took her a long moment to recognize the scents that intruded upon her senses. Nose wrinkled as she tested it, knowing precisely who it belonged to. A sudden rage filled her chest as she turned to make her way toward her two half-siblings, the rawness of the sudden emotion surprising her and leaving her momentarily stunned, even when she finally reached him. "You fucker," she snarled, tail lashing behind her, clearly speaking to Kyarst and not to Roman. Eyes narrowed as she watched him. He was considerably older now, but so was she; clearly a woman and no longer a child. Lysis had filled out a bit since she was young, and her voice held a svelte tone despite her obvious anger. "You left me." Slowly her gaze would turn to Roman, a genuine smile dancing over her features, her mood shifting quickly but only lasting until she finished speaking. "Hi, Roman."