
i'm coming home


12-05-2014, 09:15 AM

She was prideful about her choice in both her mate and the father of her children. Drashiel was strong- he carried so many traits of her father, and how she had adored Isardis. Yet, Drashiel also had a softer side- a side she saw when she confessed her fears to him, and Roman could only wonder if Isardis had any fears. Kyarst spoke, as if he needed to confirm the name she'd uttered as the father of her children. She nodded in response. A slight smile pulled at her inky lined jaws as he spoke again and she replied. "I think they'll be born towards the end of Winter. I haven't really spoke to a healer to have it timed or anything." She shrugged. Part of her feared they would miscarry like the last litter- though she still blamed even that on the poisons that had led to their conception. Her half-brother replied to her earlier question about his intents, and she felt slightly relieved and as she began to speak she was interrupted by a new scent. 

Her violet eyes would widen as another familiar face appeared. Were all the Armada's returning? She watched with interest as Lysis approached Kyarst- her tones harsh. What had happened between those too?! The dove turned towards Roman, greeting her with a smile and Roman felt her jaws pull in a smile in return. "Lysis." She'd greet, her voice nearly a coo. She'd eye them both- waiting to see where this interaction would take them. She didn't want to just leave- not when she was so close to having one of her brothers home, and even possibly her sister. Finishing her statement- she turned her attention back to Kyarst, but her words were for both of them. "I haven't seen Father since he killed the Adravendi male... with the funny jaw.  I think Kuvio lingered at the challenge, but I didn't speak to him" She had, had her own issues to keep an eye on. " I haven't seen Sendoa since before the death match... It's been... eerily quiet in these lands without all of them." She noted- and glanced at Lysis. "Drashiel is King of Regium- He rules with me now." She would note to her half-sister in case she wondered about her brother.  She took a step back- to look at both of her siblings."I'll let you two.. um.. talk, fight, shag or whatever, but know this... you are family. You have a home in Regium. You both have a home with us- if you'll take it. Together we can take back the fears that Father put into our names. What do you say?" She paused- waiting to hopefully hear some kind of answer, before she'd take her leave to them let bicker things out. They could make Isardis proud

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak