
Is There Anywhere Left To Go But Down?



3 Years
12-05-2014, 10:56 AM
Svetlana would have never expected company, expected someone to find her here in her misery. The young woman was caught off-guard, uncoiling from her balled up position to look in the direction of the male who spoke to her. Tears fell from her eyes, her look one of hurt, of one who was lost. She would swallow hard, trying to find her answer. Slowly she got to her paws, lowering her gaze to the ground at her feet. Her heart ached, a pain in her chest that made it feel as though it would fall out of place. She felt so unsure, didn't even know how to answer the stranger. Perhaps, she thought, it was simply best to be honest.

"I... I don't know." The words that left Svetlana's words were soft, full of her emotion and hurt. She'd glance around, at the place once called home. "I... was born here. Yet... since those days... my family has fallen apart around me. Everything just hurts... I... I don't know if my family is really meant to be together or not... I love them and miss them but... I feel like we keep drifting apart. I don't know if... If I even belong anywhere anymore..." Her ears were lowered, tightly closing her eyes. She didn't know what to think anymore. Had she not been as lost as she was, well, she wouldn't have been pouring all of her feelings out to a complete stranger. Svet needed a hand in the right direction... but would this young man provide the right path? Or would she just get hurt further?
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]