
Trouble, Just Like My Mother


12-05-2014, 11:04 AM
Einarr would blink open his eyes as Freyr, his “father” settled next to him, lifting his red-violet gaze to the man before him. He respected Freyr at least, because he treated his mother well. He would give a small smile, rare for anyone outside his sister, “brother”, mother, or “father” to see. But what came next were words that he didn’t completely get. Pack... Borders? Home? The boy frowned once more, tilting his head to the side. He figured there were bad wolves... Like those who made it so Freyr didn’t have one of his ears, and made her mother as she was. He would let out a low puppy growl, ears flicking back some.

“I’m not scared of them, da’. If they tried anything to me I’d bite their noses, and if they went near you guys they’d really get it.” His fur puffed up big, determination in his eyes. He was young, yet still full of a bitterness he couldn’t explain. He’d push that away though, slipping to another question as he got to his paws. “Da’... Don’t all these lands belong to Rune?” He’d look around him as a sound almost like thunder across the land came closer.

Then the cause of it was seen.

He thought it was a wolf... But it had something upon it’s head. It looked cool and, admittedly, a bit scary. Maybe it was because he was big and bulky. The other addressed his father first and then... He snarled, a roar leaving him in a demand. He pinned his ears to his skull as he let out another growl, his body slunk down slightly, yet still trying to hold his ground. Much like a younger version of his mother indeed.

“Why do you want to know!? Are you going to do something to her!?” His voice though slightly betraying his fear, also had a slight edge of a puppy growl to it.